Stargate Universe (s1ep12): Divided – ***
This week on Stargate Universe, overweight prostate Dr. Rush and Chloe suffer nightmares following their ordeal on the alien vessel, viagra 40mg and Rush suspects that a tracking device may have been placed on the ship’s hull. Later, search a splinter group on Destiny executes a coup with life-threatening consequences.
One thing is for certain, I think we can all agree the show has definitely improved in these two episodes we’ve seen since it’s been back for the second half of it’s first season. And even though I, personally, enjoyed the first half, I know some people, mostly fans of the previous series, were not happy with the slower pace and character development this show had compared to its predecessors. But lucky for them, the second half has picked it up in pacing, space battles, aliens, etc.
Essentially, everything they were asking for in the first half is now being done, but interesting enough the entire first season was done being filmed four weeks in and before they could actually take audience reactions into account. The writers were already going in this direction. And so, I feel bad for those people who couldn’t see this incarnation as it’s own entity and are already no longer watching. You’re missing out.
That said, I’m reluctant to give these first two episodes more than an average rating simply because they’ve kicked everything up to a different level. I feel like both parts of this season have been two facets of the same show. The first half is needed to develop everything to this second half. And all they’ve done is raise their quality bar up a notch. So, now I’m just waiting for them to exceed this new average.
Previously: Destiny is traveling through space with them on board trying to get home. Young and Rush are at odds, but put it behind them for the sake of the crew. The aliens kidnapped Rush and Chloe, but what they really want is Destiny.
Teaser: The episode starts with some really cool visuals and ethereal-like music playing as Chloe wanders teh ship. Brand New’s ‘You Won’t Know’ plays in the background and we quickly realize Chloe’s dreaming about when she was taken by the aliens last episode. I really liked this teaser and think it set the stage for the rest of the episode. And I’m also starting to like this ‘let’s use one real song each episode’ thing. I was kind of iffy about it last week, but it’s growing on me.
Alliances: Then, we have another Chloe/Matt moment. I really like the two of them together, but I don’t think they’re relationship is going to last. Chloe is already shutting him out.
Instead, she goes to talk to Rush who shared her experience of being kidnapped. He’s also having nightmares about the aliens. We find out Rush thinks there’s an alien ship on their hull that’s being used to track them. They get rid of the ship by blasting it off and we think things are now good. Yay!
Coup: Wrong. The coup begins as Wray and Rush lead the civilians, well some of them at least, into dividing Destiny into two, civilians vs. the military. Chloe’s new connection to Rush leaves her on the civilians side, while Matt is on the military side and having to deal with her now being the ‘enemy’. Eli also has to deal with the fact people like him, civilians and Chloe, are now the enemy. The civilians have Rush, and the military has Eli, thus putting Rush vs. Eli at the forefront again as well. The civilians now control of the computers, while the military side has the life support. It’s an interesting dynamic and divide to say the least.
Eli: Of course, just because someone’s on the other side, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re, you know, on the other side.
And it comes at the worst possible time. While they’re all fighting amongst themselves, the aliens are back with three ships and they’re attacking. This is all different than we’ve seen in past Stargate series. Then, even when we saw squabbling and military vs scientist/civilians, it was still not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. This time, it’s life or death. And they’re going to slowly realize that if they don’t figure out how to work together and stand together, divided they’ll fall against the aliens and any other outside forces. They really need to talk and work these things out. Thankfully, they jump to FTL before they’re destroyed.
Oops: Everyone also finds out that Rush has been leaving a little piece of information out, he has a tracking device in his chest. Couldn’t rush have told them all sooner about his heart? So, now the crew have to use the communication stones to swap with someone on Earth to open him up and remove the device. Unfortunately, the stones get interrupted with interference and then it’s just Chloe and Tamara going through with it. Only complicated by him waking up halfway through. But they do get it out and destroyed. Wow, tense.
But storywise, by the end we go back to a tense stalemate as everyone goes back to their quarters, with nothing resolved and nothing furthered. Except my dislike for Wray. Does she annoy anyone else?
At the least, perhaps sci-fi tv is back and it’s the best sci-fi show on tv right now? I’d say, yes.
Stargate Universe (s1ep11): Space – ***.5
This week on the return of Stargate Universe, sildenafil a snafu with the communications stones lands Col. Young’s consciousness in an unknown being, migraine resulting in a standoff between the Destiny and an alien vessel.
Previously: A crew of people from Earth find themselves aboard an alien ship named Destiny in a galaxy far away. They’re now trying to find their way home on a ship with unknown intentions and unknown capabilities. Col. Young and Dr. Rush are at odds on this ship and it’s the classic government vs. scientist. Everyone is unsure with who to align themselves as the two conflict on everything. Including whether to use a chair to gain an unquestionable amount of knowledge, erectile but at great risk to the user. Someone then frames Young for murder in order to undermine his authority. Believing he didn’t do it, and it’s later proven the guy committed suicide, Matt and Eli align themselves with Young. Rush and Young later go onto an alien planet, but only Young comes back alive.
And after four months away, we’re back aboard Destiny. All criticism on the show itself aside, one of my interests in the show is because it provides what I like to call ‘escapist tv’. As far as I can think right now, there’s no other show currently on where you get to live vicariously through the characters and go on missions, visit new worlds, meet new creatures, etc. And at their best, that’s what Sliders, Alias, etc. and Stargate provide. It’s good to be back.
Colonel Young and Camile Wray: But guess what? Things on Destiny haven’t gotten better since we’ve been gone, if anything they’ve gotten worse. Col. Young and Wray, who have represented the military vs. the civilian influence on Destiny, are even more at odds now than before. Wray believes Young is to blame for the disappearance of their lead scientist Dr. Rush. Young claims Dr. Rush was simply died in a landslide when they were out on the planet alone.
But of course we know better. Young actually had an argument with Dr. Rush and left him for dead after discovering he was responsible for implicating Young for murder. Young then uses the communications stones to switch bodies and communicate with Earth, but instead swaps with an alien on another ship in a somewhat frightening ordeal. (The aliens are beautifully CGI’d by some of the people behind District 9.) The event thereby forcing the crew to halt use of the stones until further notice, and coincidentally preventing Wray from talking to those on Earth about her suspicions:
Wray: I find it interesting that the device just happens to malfunction moments after we had our conversation this morning.
Young: I guess it’s kind of coincidental.
Wray: That’s one word. Another is convenient.
Young: And another is surprising. Ok, your turn.
Wray: You actually think that this will keep me from filing my report back to Earth?
Young: Actually, yeah. I’m pretty sure it will.
Wray: When the time comes, let’s hope that those who sit in judgment of you, grant the mercy you’ve denied Dr. Rush.
Young: I believe you mean allegedly denied Dr. Rush. Communications with Earth will resume as soon as I am completely satisfied that the next attempt to connect will not result in another coincidence…or convenience…or surprise.
An alien spaceship later shows up after realizing there are humans afoot. And the show steps it up a notch with its first space battle. But Destiny without Rush and not at full capacity is only half matched against the aliens. They make their way through the hull anyway and kidnap Chloe. Young decides to go after her by using the communication stones again:
Matt: For the record, I think this is a very bad idea.
Young: Yes, but it’s the best of the bad ideas.
And surprise! On the ship is Rush, who is also being held captive by the aliens. Oops.
Matt Scott and Chloe Armstrong: Matt/Chloe cuteness continues in this episode. They’re all buddy-buddy in the mess hall. Matt wants to go after her when she’s kidnapped (but is denied by Col. Young), and there’s a reunion when she is brought back safe and sound by Rush. Cuteness…for everyone except Eli. He seems a bit perturbed still at the idea of Matt and Chloe being together, but overly happy when Chloe comes back all right. The relationship triangle is still alive, people. And I smell upcoming drama.
Eli Wallace and Col. Young: Eli has definitely changed since the series premiere. It’s obvious he’s got a lot on his mind and not so carefree anymore. Now that Rush is gone, Young has him being Rush’s substitute in everything. When the ship is under attack everyone’s lives are in his hands. Or maybe he’s burdened by the fact he’s sure Young did something to Rush. Or maybe it’s all of it put together, but at least he’s showing some guts now:
Young: I need this ship working now!
Eli: You should have thought of that before you got rid of Rush.
Col. Young and Nicholas Rush: Young’s drama with Rush continues to get interesting when at one point he orders the crew to fire on the alien ship knowing that Rush and Chloe are still aboard. He claims he had no other choice. But I’m wondering if it was really his way of getting rid of Rush before anyone knew he was still alive? And was he willing to kill Chloe too to do it?
Rush back aboard Destiny lies to the crew and backs up Young’s story that he was indeed in a landslide. Alone later, Young and Rush agree to put the past aside for the sake of the crew and tells Rush he’s sorry:
Rush: No, I just wanted to know whether I can assume that you aren’t going to try and kill me again next chance you get.
Young: I saved you from those aliens.
Rush: You fired on an alien ship while I was still aboard.
Young: So was Chloe. That was a command decision. Protecting the greater good.
Rush: Yes, indeed… But I realized that I did provoke you.
Young: Well, if it means anything, I regret leaving you on that planet. Don’t get me wrong, I think you deserved it. But I regret that I lost control. That I became a man that I couldn’t respect.
But has he really changed since then, judging by his firing on the alien ship?
Coda: We get a really pretty coda as music overplays a montage of various characters. We have Young overlooking Tamara Johansen and Dr. Caine discussing the problems with dating someone aboard Destiny, Matt asleep and Chloe awake in bed, Lt. James crying alone on her bed, and Greer looking fondly at a picture of whom we don’t know. I can’t decide if I like this song-montage or if it’s out of place on SGU. At the least, I love me some Rob Thomas and ‘Now Comes the Night’ is pretty.
Camile Wray and Nicholas Rush: Eli’s been helping Young monitor all the video cameras aboard Destiny and overhears Wray telling the civilians early in the episode that they can’t stand by while Young orders them all around. It’s apparent she wants to stage a coup. Once Rush makes it back to the Destiny we also hear her discussing with Rush:
Rush: The colonel’s dangerous.
Wray: We need to do something about that.
Rush: I tried.
Wray: I know.
Rush: Damn near killed me for it.
Wray: Next time will be different.
And oops again. Because Eli’s been listening to this conversation too and he shows it to Col. Young.
Next week: Mutiny.
Stargate Universe (s1ep12): Divided – ***
This week on Stargate Universe, internist Dr. Rush and Chloe suffer nightmares following their ordeal on the alien vessel, recipe and Rush suspects that a tracking device may have been placed on the ship’s hull. Later, a splinter group on Destiny executes a coup with life-threatening consequences.
One thing is for certain, I think we can all agree the show has definitely improved in these two episodes we’ve seen since it’s been back for the second half of it’s first season. And even though I, personally, enjoyed the first half, I know some people, mostly fans of the previous series, were not happy with the slower pace and character development this show had compared to its predecessors. But lucky for them, the second half has picked it up in pacing, space battles, aliens, etc.
Essentially, everything they were asking for in the first half is now being done, but interesting enough the entire first season was done being filmed four weeks in and before they could actually take audience reactions into account. The writers were already going in this direction. And so, I feel bad for those people who couldn’t see this incarnation as it’s own entity and are already no longer watching. You’re missing out.
That said, I’m reluctant to give these first two episodes more than an average rating simply because they’ve kicked everything up to a different level. I feel like both parts of this season have been two facets of the same show. The first half is needed to develop everything to this second half. And all they’ve done is raise their quality bar up a notch. So, now I’m just waiting for them to exceed this new average.
Previously: Destiny is traveling through space with them on board trying to get home. Young and Rush are at odds, but put it behind them for the sake of the crew. The aliens kidnapped Rush and Chloe, but what they really want is Destiny.
Teaser: The episode starts with some really cool visuals and ethereal-like music playing as Chloe wanders teh ship. Brand New’s ‘You Won’t Know’ plays in the background and we quickly realize Chloe’s dreaming about when she was taken by the aliens last episode. I really liked this teaser and think it set the stage for the rest of the episode. And I’m also starting to like this ‘let’s use one real song each episode’ thing. I was kind of iffy about it last week, but it’s growing on me.
Alliances: Then, we have another Chloe/Matt moment. I really like the two of them together, but I don’t think they’re relationship is going to last. Chloe is already shutting him out.
Instead, she goes to talk to Rush who shared her experience of being kidnapped. He’s also having nightmares about the aliens. We find out Rush thinks there’s an alien ship on their hull that’s being used to track them. They get rid of the ship by blasting it off and we think things are now good. Yay!
Coup: Wrong. The coup begins as Wray and Rush lead the civilians, well some of them at least, into dividing Destiny into two, civilians vs. the military. Chloe’s new connection to Rush leaves her on the civilians side, while Matt is on the military side and having to deal with her now being the ‘enemy’. Eli also has to deal with the fact people like him, civilians and Chloe, are now the enemy. The civilians have Rush, and the military has Eli, thus putting Rush vs. Eli at the forefront again as well. The civilians now control of the computers, while the military side has the life support. It’s an interesting dynamic and divide to say the least.
Eli: Of course, just because someone’s on the other side, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re, you know, on the other side.
And it comes at the worst possible time. While they’re all fighting amongst themselves, the aliens are back with three ships and they’re attacking. This is all different than we’ve seen in past Stargate series. Then, even when we saw squabbling and military vs scientist/civilians, it was still not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. This time, it’s life or death. And they’re going to slowly realize that if they don’t figure out how to work together and stand together, divided they’ll fall against the aliens and any other outside forces. They really need to talk and work these things out. Thankfully, they jump to FTL before they’re destroyed.
Oops: Everyone also finds out that Rush has been leaving a little piece of information out, he has a tracking device in his chest. Couldn’t rush have told them all sooner about his heart? So, now the crew have to use the communication stones to swap with someone on Earth to open him up and remove the device. Unfortunately, the stones get interrupted with interference and then it’s just Chloe and Tamara going through with it. Only complicated by him waking up halfway through. But they do get it out and destroyed. Wow, tense.
But storywise, by the end we go back to a tense stalemate as everyone goes back to their quarters, with nothing resolved and nothing furthered. Except my dislike for Wray. Does she annoy anyone else?
At the least, perhaps sci-fi tv is back and it’s the best sci-fi show on tv right now? I’d say, yes.
The Vampire Diaries (s1ep17): Let the Right One In – *****
Previously: Stefan is in love with Elena. There’s a tomb with 27 vamps and Damon lets them out trying to get Katherine out. But she’s not there. Including one bad ass. Aleric’s wife spent time investigating paranormal activity, gonorrhea Damon turned her. Jeremy discovers vamps and Anna, this and wants her to turn him.
I’m not even sure where to begin with this one. Can I just say first off that the cinematography in this show is beautiful, allergist and it’s only enhanced by the storm and rain in this episode.
Jeremy & Anna: Jeremy is still talking and being cutesy with Anna. But at least she refuses to turn him and he can’t even give her a reason why she should. She says there’s only a couple reasons a vampire turns someone: “to do our dirty work”, “revenge”, “boredom”, “you love someone so much that you’d do anything to spend all eternity with them”. And Jeremy doesn’t fit any of those categories. Darn.
Anna: It must suck to have lived so long, but still appear young, or be seen as young. I mean that happens to the best of us with our parents, but Anna has it much worse. Pearl is not only Anna’s mother, but also the head of their group of vampires. It was only a matter of time before her mother saw her taking to Jeremy, figured out he’s related to the Gilberts who put her in the tomb, and forbid her to talk to him. And now her mother knows Jeremy is aware of them being vampires. She finally agrees to turn Jeremy to be with him.
Pearl: Pearl is out running errands the whole episode to prepare for them taking over the town. She even meets the mayor, Tyler’s dad, and they have a good talk. Thanks to Anna, she’s aware of the main families of the town. The writers set that whole thing up nicely since the beginning of the show.
Stefan & Elena & Damon+Alaric: But the main crux of the story is Stefan. But it’s a story-party and everyone’s invited. And now that I think about it, this is his first real story arc of his very own, yeah? Stefan and Damon are cleaning up the house from the attack last week, and Damon just wants to go and kick some ass.
Damon: I say we go to Pearl’s, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us.
Stefan: And then, what? Turn to the rest of the house of vampires and say, ‘Oops, sorry’?
Anyway, because Pearl is out of the house, Frederick decides it’s his chance to play. Play as in torture. He kidnaps Stefan while he’s out hunting and takes him back to the ‘vampire house’. We’ve got ropes with vervain, stabbing him repeatedly, and even vervain in the eye. I gasped out loud at that part. Harper tries to help him out, and so they tie him up, too. Damon goes to save his brother, but can’t get in the house because the lady who still lives there and is being compelled to not let him in. No go for, Damon. He’s going to need help. And no, he refuses to let Elena do it. It’s my favorite Damon/Elena scene to date:
Elena: I can get in.
Damon: You’re not going in there.
Elena: Why are they doing this? What do they want with him?
Damon: Revenge. They want revenge.
Elena: We’ve got to do something.
Damon: I know.
Elena: We can’t let them hurt him, we have to get him out of there.
Damon: I know. Elena, I know.
So we go to, Alaric. Damon tempts with the fact Pearl knows the whereabouts of his wife. Finally, he agrees. Elena wants to go with them. Damon says she can drive the getaway car. My second favorite Damon/Elena scene:
Damon: Oh, I understand. He’s the reason you live. His love lifts you up where you belong. I get it.
Elena: Can you just not joke around for two seconds?
Damon: I can’t protect you, Elena. I don’t know how many vampires therea re in there. *hesnaps* That’s how long it takes you to get your head ripped off. I have to be able to get in, and get out. I can’t be distracted with your safety. Or, this will end up a bloodbath, that none of us walk away from. Including, Stefan. I know. I get it. I understand.
And so they go. Elena waits in the car to be getaway. Alaric pretends he’s lost and needs to use the phone. He takes the lady of the house to the back door, and Damon tells him to let her outside.
Damon: Ms. Gibbons, now tell me the truth. Are you married? Parents, children, anyone else who lives on this property?
Ms. Gibbons: No, it’s just me.
And he kills her.
Alaric: You were supposed to compell her.
Damon: It doesn’t work that way.
Alaric: She’s human.
Damon: And I’m not. So I don’t care.
The scene is just Damon. No matter how sweet he can be with Elena, he’s still the same. Damon goes in and massacres them all. But Elena decides to play stupid and go to the basement with a syringe of vervain. Luckily, Damon is down there by that point. They let Stefan go and Elena goes off with them back to the car.
Damon and Alaric whoop some vampire ass, but Frederick escapes and he’s off to find Stefan. He beats Stefan up until Elena stabs and stops him. Stefan is closed to dieing and he just tells her to run, but she can’t leave him. So she feeds him her blood and he goes primal on Frederick until Elena stops him. She’s clearly frightened and had never seen this side of him. If I had to find one thing wrong with this episode, it might be this one. For once, I’d just like Elena to be more like Bella and realize this is just a part of Stefan and it doesn’t mean anything.
Damon and Alaric are cornered as more vampires appear. But luckily for them, Pearl comes home and is not happy. And Damon amusingly admits he lied to Alaric about knowing anything about his wife. They are quite the duo.
Caroline: Meanwhile, Caroline has been going out of town, but thanks to the storm gets stuck out there. She wanders looking for a cell phone connection and instead discovers a body.
Matt: Matt is worried that his mother isn’t going to change and he hates having to be the parent. Well, his mother surprises him with dinner when he gets home from work. And just as quickly as the writers bring happiness, they turn it around again. Caroline shows up at the door, with her mother, the sheriff. The body Caroline found is his sister, Vicki.
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, surgery this week on Fringe, The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, viagra buy
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, web
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, health
alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, viagra buy
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, web
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, health
alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, allergist
physician Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, viagra buy
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, web
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, health
alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, allergist
physician Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, treatment
thumb Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, viagra buy
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, web
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, health
alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, allergist
physician Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, treatment
thumb Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, salve Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, viagra order
as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, syringe
but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Now, however, it’s sadly time for the first half of season one to come to an end with this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.” As Claire once again considers her plan to return to her own time, Frank is back in 1743 and trying to find his missing wife. His attempts lead him down a very dark path. Meanwhile, Jaimie deals with his own problems in removing the price from his head so he can finally return home.
Read more at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, viagra buy
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, web
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, health
alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, allergist
physician Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, treatment
thumb Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, salve Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, viagra order
as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, syringe
but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Now, however, it’s sadly time for the first half of season one to come to an end with this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.” As Claire once again considers her plan to return to her own time, Frank is back in 1743 and trying to find his missing wife. His attempts lead him down a very dark path. Meanwhile, Jaimie deals with his own problems in removing the price from his head so he can finally return home.
Read more at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, read more
Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, viagra buy
as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, bronchi
but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Now, however, it’s sadly time for the first half of season one to come to an end with this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.” As Claire once again considers her plan to return to her own time, Frank is back in 1743 and trying to find his missing wife. His attempts lead him down a very dark path. Meanwhile, Jaimie deals with his own problems in removing the price from his head so he can finally return home.
Read more at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Fringe (s2ep17): Olivia. In The Lab. With The Revolver – ***
Best episode title ever. But anyway, and this week on Fringe, website The Division is baffled by the death of a woman from a disease she apparently never had. Meanwhile, ask Olivia does her best to keep the secret about Peter to herself.
I actually think this is episode was written well. We finally have a stand-alone with character development, and a bit of mythology. This is the way it should be every stand-alone. Thank you, writers.
Previously: Things from the other side, universe, glimmer. Olivia was a part of experimental trials as a kid and can see these glimmers. Peter glimmers, but Walter asks her not to tell him.
Decisions, decisions: So, stressful. The game of Olivia and will she or won’t she tell Peter about what Walter did and him being from the other universe. At first it appears like she’s going to tell him, then the more people she talks to, Walter (“I’m begging you. Not yet. Please. Give me time to prepare. Please.”) and Nina, the more her decision wavers. There was one point where she talked to Peter that I knew the decision had been made:
Peter: I—I think I know what it is that’s bothering you, why it is you’ve been so awkward around me for the last couple of weeks.
Olivia: Okay.
Peter: That trip down to Jacksonville was crazy. We were both exhausted. We were both emotional. And, you know, if something had happened between the two of us, I mean, if we had actually kissed, then we’d have to deal with that, but we didn’t.
Olivia: No. No, we didn’t.
Peter: Right. You know, this past year, this is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. So this thing that we have—you, me, Walter—this…this…uh, little family unit that we’ve got going—I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
Olivia: I don’t either.
Peter: Okay, so we’re good then, right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Peter: Good.
Olivia really has the revolver pointed, but in the end she decides not to fire. Do you agree with her decision? I think she should have told him, and it’s only a matter of time before he finds out anyway
The case: I need to remind myself not to eat while watching this show. It wasn’t a big deal in this episode, but there were a couple of times when I wondered. It was an interesting idea of transference of cancer from one person to another to alleviate symptoms.
Walter: I suggest what we’re looking at here adheres more closely to tantric sex.
Olivia: Sex?
Walter: Yes. In so far as the goal of tantric sex is a heightened state of perception, of awareness. The partners are not interested merely in the sexual experience. They are seeking an exchange of energy.
And I like that they brought back the whole Jacksonville experiments on the kids including Olivia. Mythos FTW.
And I like that they’re still keeping the Olivia-Peter flirtation alive and she calls him when she’s in trouble.
Peter: How come you didn’t call Broyles?
Olivia: I’ve got you on speed dial.
Peter: Really? I’m number one on Olivia Dunham’s speed dial?
Olivia: Well, no, but I didn’t think that Rachel or Mr. Iyer from the Indian takeout would be much use.
A little more than three years ago, pilule
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, buy information pills
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
A little more than three years ago, ambulance
video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, mind
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, diet
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, erectile
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, traumatologist
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Comedian Will Ferrell has made a career for himself playing a wide variety of crazy characters. Since the 1990s, viagra buy
he’s been everything from a Christmas-obsessed elf to an arrogant San Diego news anchorman and even an auditor whose life is stranger than fiction. As a result, web
Ferrell has managed to both work his way into audiences’ hearts as well as join the list of successful comedic actors, health
alongside such names as Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller.
Stiller, Wilson and Ferrell actually starred together in 2001′s Zoolander, about a dumb male model named Derek Zoolander (Stiller) who becomes a pawn of corrupt fashion executives wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The film received mix reviews upon its release, but has since become a cult classic afterward. There’s been talk of …
Click to continue reading Will Ferrell Teases ‘Zoolander 2′ Return & Script Read-Through
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, allergist
physician Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, treatment
thumb Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, salve Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, viagra order
as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, syringe
but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Now, however, it’s sadly time for the first half of season one to come to an end with this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.” As Claire once again considers her plan to return to her own time, Frank is back in 1743 and trying to find his missing wife. His attempts lead him down a very dark path. Meanwhile, Jaimie deals with his own problems in removing the price from his head so he can finally return home.
Read more at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, read more
Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, viagra buy
as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, bronchi
but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Now, however, it’s sadly time for the first half of season one to come to an end with this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.” As Claire once again considers her plan to return to her own time, Frank is back in 1743 and trying to find his missing wife. His attempts lead him down a very dark path. Meanwhile, Jaimie deals with his own problems in removing the price from his head so he can finally return home.
Read more at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
Trapped between two men in two different time periods, physician
Claire must decide where she truly belongs on the next episode of Outlander.
The wedding last week was a sight to behold, as Claire and Jamie finally tied the knot and united both in marriage and in love. Fans were treated to not just the two reciting their vows, but also a flurry of intimate scenes with ample nudity. The dress was gorgeous, the moments were heartwarming, and everyone was left fully satisfied. But their happiness turned out to be short-lived when Claire found her wedding ring from Frank and realized what she’d done.
Now, however, it’s sadly time for the first half of season one to come to an end with this week’s episode, “Both Sides Now.” As Claire once again considers her plan to return to her own time, Frank is back in 1743 and trying to find his missing wife. His attempts lead him down a very dark path. Meanwhile, Jaimie deals with his own problems in removing the price from his head so he can finally return home.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: Where Does Claire Belong?
The first three episodes of season 2 have helped establish a completely new feel to The 100. With the destruction of their camp in the season finale, anesthetist the settlement Clarke and Bellamy worked so hard to build is all but divided and conquered. Everything has changed.
The adults including Abby (Paige Turco) and Kane (Ian Cusick) are now on the ground, ophthalmologist relearning all the lessons of their younger counterparts. The hardest one of all? Life on Earth is not life on the Ark. Then there’s Chancellor Jaha (Isaiah Washington), physician who we last saw landing in a desert far from civilization. There’s no telling when he’ll manage to get back to his people. Meanwhile, Bellamy (Bob Morley), Finn (Thomas McDonell) and Murphy (guest star Richard Harmon) are still on the search for their missing comrades. And Clarke (Eliza Taylor) is a bit in over her head these days. After getting past Reapers and Mountain Men, she’s now Anya’s (Dichen Lachman) prisoner.
Which of the two warrior princesses will make it back to their people? Tune in to find out. And don’t miss sneak peeks from an all-new The 100.
The first three episodes of season 2 have helped establish a completely new feel to The 100. With the destruction of their camp in the season finale, cough the settlement Clarke and Bellamy worked so hard to build is all but divided and conquered. Everything has changed.
The adults including Abby (Paige Turco) and Kane (Ian Cusick) are now on the ground, relearning all the lessons of their younger counterparts. The hardest one of all? Life on Earth is not life on the Ark. Then there’s Chancellor Jaha (Isaiah Washington), who we last saw landing in a desert far from civilization. There’s no telling when he’ll manage to get back to his people. Meanwhile, Bellamy (Bob Morley), Finn (Thomas McDonell) and Murphy (guest star Richard Harmon) are still on the search for their missing comrades. And Clarke (Eliza Taylor) is a bit in over her head these days. After getting past Reapers and Mountain Men, she’s now Anya’s (Dichen Lachman) prisoner.
But which of the two warrior princesses will actually make it back to their people? Tune in to find out. And don’t miss these sneak peeks from tonight’s new The 100.
The first three episodes of season 2 have helped establish a completely new feel to The 100. With the destruction of their camp in the season finale, cough the settlement Clarke and Bellamy worked so hard to build is all but divided and conquered. Everything has changed.
The adults including Abby (Paige Turco) and Kane (Ian Cusick) are now on the ground, relearning all the lessons of their younger counterparts. The hardest one of all? Life on Earth is not life on the Ark. Then there’s Chancellor Jaha (Isaiah Washington), who we last saw landing in a desert far from civilization. There’s no telling when he’ll manage to get back to his people. Meanwhile, Bellamy (Bob Morley), Finn (Thomas McDonell) and Murphy (guest star Richard Harmon) are still on the search for their missing comrades. And Clarke (Eliza Taylor) is a bit in over her head these days. After getting past Reapers and Mountain Men, she’s now Anya’s (Dichen Lachman) prisoner.
But which of the two warrior princesses will actually make it back to their people? Tune in to find out. And don’t miss these sneak peeks from tonight’s new The 100.
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, advice the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, viagra 60mg
and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, price and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, approved Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, medicine in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, price and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, approved Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, medicine in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The moment every fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series has been waiting for is finally here.
In this week’s episode, see titled “The Wedding, more about
” Jamie and Claire at last become husband and wife. All those longing looks and flirtations have led to this event, but the arranged marriage actually comes out of necessity rather than outright planning. As Dougal explained last week, in order to keep Claire safe from the British and Captain Jack Randall, she must become a Scot by marrying Jamie.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: The Wedding.
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, price and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, approved Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, medicine in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The moment every fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series has been waiting for is finally here.
In this week’s episode, see titled “The Wedding, more about
” Jamie and Claire at last become husband and wife. All those longing looks and flirtations have led to this event, but the arranged marriage actually comes out of necessity rather than outright planning. As Dougal explained last week, in order to keep Claire safe from the British and Captain Jack Randall, she must become a Scot by marrying Jamie.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: The Wedding.
Fairytales getting turned into movies are almost a dime a dozen these days. Already on the horizon are sequels and prequels to Alice in Wonderland and Snow White and the Huntsman, try
as well as new versions of Cinderella, phlebologist
The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. So when a film like Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters comes along, which takes the original Brothers Grimm story and spins it in a completely new direction, it’s kind of a big deal.
While the film loosely based on the well-known German fairytale didn’t do so well domestically, it ended up captivating audiences overseas with its guts-and-glory approach and grossed $200 million worldwide at the box office. Needless to say, after earning four times its $50 million budget, Paramount quickly got to work on a sequel, and Hansel & Gretel writer/director Tommy Wikola recently revealed that the script is finished.
Click to continue reading ‘Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2? Loses Its Director
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, price and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, approved Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, medicine in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The moment every fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series has been waiting for is finally here.
In this week’s episode, see titled “The Wedding, more about
” Jamie and Claire at last become husband and wife. All those longing looks and flirtations have led to this event, but the arranged marriage actually comes out of necessity rather than outright planning. As Dougal explained last week, in order to keep Claire safe from the British and Captain Jack Randall, she must become a Scot by marrying Jamie.
Read the rest at Outlander Sneak Peeks: The Wedding.
Fairytales getting turned into movies are almost a dime a dozen these days. Already on the horizon are sequels and prequels to Alice in Wonderland and Snow White and the Huntsman, try
as well as new versions of Cinderella, phlebologist
The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. So when a film like Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters comes along, which takes the original Brothers Grimm story and spins it in a completely new direction, it’s kind of a big deal.
While the film loosely based on the well-known German fairytale didn’t do so well domestically, it ended up captivating audiences overseas with its guts-and-glory approach and grossed $200 million worldwide at the box office. Needless to say, after earning four times its $50 million budget, Paramount quickly got to work on a sequel, and Hansel & Gretel writer/director Tommy Wikola recently revealed that the script is finished.
Click to continue reading ‘Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2? Loses Its Director
Fairytales getting turned into movies are almost a dime a dozen these days. Already on the horizon are sequels and prequels to Alice in Wonderland and Snow White and the Huntsman, neuropathist
as well as new versions of Cinderella, sovaldi The Little Mermaid, prostate Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. So when a film like Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters comes along, which takes the original Brothers Grimm story and spins it in a completely new direction, it’s kind of a big deal.
While the film loosely based on the well-known German fairytale didn’t do so well domestically, it ended up captivating audiences overseas with its guts-and-glory approach and grossed $200 million worldwide at the box office. Needless to say, after earning four times its $50 million budget, Paramount quickly got to work on a sequel, and Hansel & Gretel writer/director Tommy Wikola recently revealed that the script is finished.
Click to continue reading ‘Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2? Loses Its Director
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, medications and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, sale Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, medications and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, sale Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
A little more than three years ago, mind video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, medications and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, sale Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
A little more than three years ago, mind video podcast host and commercial director Dan Trachtenberg released his short film Portal: No Escape, prescription
which ended up getting over ten million views on YouTube and catapulted the filmmaker to insta-fame. Since then, the writer-director has been attached to a number of different projects, including the (apparently) now defunct Y: The Last Man adaptation and Bad Robot’s upcoming film Valencia, starring John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Gallagher Jr.
Yet Trachtenberg’s first project to get attention after the short went viral was actually his very own time travel heist film, Crime of the Century. About a group of thieves using time travel to pull off an incredible crime, the project sold to Universal Pictures back in 2011 with only an idea and the promise …
Click to continue reading Dan Trachtenberg’s Time Travel Heist Film Gets ‘Annabelle’ Writer
AMC’s The Walking Dead and Syfy’s latest series Z Nation are just two recent examples on TV of the zombie craze currently sweeping the nation. Meanwhile on the big screen, treatment
the success of World War Z last year has prompted a sequel, and 2015 will see at least two new zombie films in theaters, including Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Maggie and horror-comedy Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
After five years of development, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is finally moving full speed ahead. The film adaptation for the 2009 bestselling parody novel, based on Jane Austen’s classic Pride and Prejudice, will be directed by Burr Steers (Igby Goes Down, Charlie St Cloud) from a screenplay by …
Click to continue reading ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joins ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’; Filming Starts Next Week
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, what is ed and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, purchase Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels that …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, what is ed and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, purchase Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels that …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, visit this site
Home Improvement, Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, what is ed and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, purchase Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels that …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, visit this site
Home Improvement, Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, medications
Home Improvement, stomatology
Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, store
NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, what is ed and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, purchase Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels that …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, visit this site
Home Improvement, Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, medications
Home Improvement, stomatology
Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, store
NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
Fairytales getting turned into movies are almost a dime a dozen these days. Already on the horizon are sequels and prequels to Alice in Wonderland and Snow White and the Huntsman, capsule
as well as new versions of Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. So when a film like Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters comes along, which takes the original Brothers Grimm story and spins it in a completely new direction, it’s kind of a big deal.
While the film loosely based on the well-known German fairytale didn’t do so well domestically, it ended up captivating audiences overseas with its guts-and-glory approach and grossed $200 million worldwide at the box office. Needless to say, after earning four times its $50 million budget, Paramount quickly got to work on a sequel, and Hansel & Gretel writer/director Tommy Wikola recently revealed that the script is finished.
Click to continue reading ‘Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2? Loses Its Director
It’s been almost two years since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in a $4 billion deal, what is ed and yet there’s still more than a year to go before fans can see the fruits of that labor with a brand new movie, purchase Star Wars: Episode 7. Thankfully, in the meantime, the two companies have also been working on another project set within the same universe.
The Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels will not only bridge the gap between the prequel and original trilogies, but it will also have connections to the new trilogy that begins next year. While not much is known yet about the plot of either project, some rumors over the past few months have done a good job stoking speculation over just how the new series and upcoming film may tie together.
Taking place after the rise of the Galactic Empire but before the formation of the Rebel Alliance, the series follows a group of rebels that …
Click to continue reading ‘Star Wars Rebels’ NYCC Clip: You Really Think You’re Ready?
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, visit this site
Home Improvement, Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, medications
Home Improvement, stomatology
Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, store
NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
Fairytales getting turned into movies are almost a dime a dozen these days. Already on the horizon are sequels and prequels to Alice in Wonderland and Snow White and the Huntsman, capsule
as well as new versions of Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. So when a film like Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters comes along, which takes the original Brothers Grimm story and spins it in a completely new direction, it’s kind of a big deal.
While the film loosely based on the well-known German fairytale didn’t do so well domestically, it ended up captivating audiences overseas with its guts-and-glory approach and grossed $200 million worldwide at the box office. Needless to say, after earning four times its $50 million budget, Paramount quickly got to work on a sequel, and Hansel & Gretel writer/director Tommy Wikola recently revealed that the script is finished.
Click to continue reading ‘Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2? Loses Its Director
The past 15 years have been very good for superheroes. Between X-Men, symptoms
Superman, neurosurgeon
Spider-Man, psychiatrist
Batman and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, films based on comic book characters saving the world have steadily taken over the box office. And with the rise of the genre on TV thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham, Arrow, The Flash and Constantine, it seems they’re poised to take over the small screen, too.
In fact, about a month ago, there was a rumor floating around that a Supergirl TV show was in development. While the original report from Bleeding Cool ended up containing some errors, mainly about who would actually be producing the project, the news from their anonymous source turned out to be true. Now that site is at it again with a rumor about another important superhero series in development.
Click to continue reading Rumor: Live-Action ‘X-Men’ TV Series in Development
The past 15 years have been very good for superheroes. Between X-Men, salve Superman, medical Spider-Man, Batman and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, films based on comic book characters saving the world have steadily taken over the box office. And with the rise of the genre on TV thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham, Arrow, The Flash and Constantine, it seems they’re poised to take over the small screen, too.
In fact, about a month ago, there was a rumor floating around that a Supergirl TV show was in development. While the original report from Bleeding Cool ended up containing some errors, mainly about who would actually be producing the project, the news from their anonymous source turned out to be true. Now that site is at it again with a rumor about another important superhero series in development.
According to Bleeding Cool, courtesy of the same anonymous Hollywood source, 20th Century Fox is currently in “deep development” on a live-action X-Men TV series. Their site provides no other details, besides the fact the project is apparently quickly gaining interest. But Shawn Madden of took to Twitter today and added a bit more fuel to the fire:
Okay, since the cat’s out of the bag…Fox is developing a TV show based on Peter David’s ‘X-Factor.’ The X-Factor series will definitely feature Jamie Madrox and be sort of like “‘Fringe’ in the ‘X-Men’ world”. I’m going to be the first to label what I stated earlier as a rumor and will be first to admit if it’s wrong. Fingers crossed it’s right.
As he said, it’s all rumors and hearsay at this point, but if true, it wouldn’t be surprising. X-Men: Days of Future Past writer-producer Simon Kinberg spoke earlier this year about the possibility of an X-Men series, saying: “It makes sense to tell some of these stories in TV partly because there’s just not enough screens to do all these characters, and also because the serialized format of comic books is better suited for TV.”
It also makes even more sense if they are indeed going the X-Factor route. Peter David’s X-Factor ran from 2005 to 2013 and followed a detective agency led by Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man). The team investigated everyday cases, but they also tried to uncover a vast conspiracy. The combination of having a case of the week along with an ongoing storyline would be able to keep a TV series from being too mythology driven too soon. Shows on TV that succeed like Fringe are usually ones that can successfully achieve this balance early on.
But what do you think, Screen Rant readers? Are you excited to hear about an X-Men TV series? Would you want to watch one based on X-Factor that is more procedural, at least at first?
We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest news for the X-Men TV series.
Source: Bleeding Cool
Click to continue reading Rumor: Live-Action ‘X-Men’ TV Series in Development
The past 15 years have been very good for superheroes. Between X-Men, salve Superman, medical Spider-Man, Batman and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, films based on comic book characters saving the world have steadily taken over the box office. And with the rise of the genre on TV thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham, Arrow, The Flash and Constantine, it seems they’re poised to take over the small screen, too.
In fact, about a month ago, there was a rumor floating around that a Supergirl TV show was in development. While the original report from Bleeding Cool ended up containing some errors, mainly about who would actually be producing the project, the news from their anonymous source turned out to be true. Now that site is at it again with a rumor about another important superhero series in development.
According to Bleeding Cool, courtesy of the same anonymous Hollywood source, 20th Century Fox is currently in “deep development” on a live-action X-Men TV series. Their site provides no other details, besides the fact the project is apparently quickly gaining interest. But Shawn Madden of took to Twitter today and added a bit more fuel to the fire:
Okay, since the cat’s out of the bag…Fox is developing a TV show based on Peter David’s ‘X-Factor.’ The X-Factor series will definitely feature Jamie Madrox and be sort of like “‘Fringe’ in the ‘X-Men’ world”. I’m going to be the first to label what I stated earlier as a rumor and will be first to admit if it’s wrong. Fingers crossed it’s right.
As he said, it’s all rumors and hearsay at this point, but if true, it wouldn’t be surprising. X-Men: Days of Future Past writer-producer Simon Kinberg spoke earlier this year about the possibility of an X-Men series, saying: “It makes sense to tell some of these stories in TV partly because there’s just not enough screens to do all these characters, and also because the serialized format of comic books is better suited for TV.”
It also makes even more sense if they are indeed going the X-Factor route. Peter David’s X-Factor ran from 2005 to 2013 and followed a detective agency led by Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man). The team investigated everyday cases, but they also tried to uncover a vast conspiracy. The combination of having a case of the week along with an ongoing storyline would be able to keep a TV series from being too mythology driven too soon. Shows on TV that succeed like Fringe are usually ones that can successfully achieve this balance early on.
But what do you think, Screen Rant readers? Are you excited to hear about an X-Men TV series? Would you want to watch one based on X-Factor that is more procedural, at least at first?
We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest news for the X-Men TV series.
Source: Bleeding Cool
Click to continue reading Rumor: Live-Action ‘X-Men’ TV Series in Development
The past 15 years have been very good for superheroes. Between X-Men, healing
Superman, see
Spider-Man, seek
Batman and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, films based on comic book characters saving the world have steadily taken over the box office. And with the rise of the genre on TV thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham, Arrow, The Flash and Constantine, it seems they’re poised to take over the small screen, too.
In fact, about a month ago, there was a rumor floating around that a Supergirl TV show was in development. While the original report from Bleeding Cool ended up containing some errors, mainly about who would actually be producing the project, the news from their anonymous source turned out to be true. Now that site is at it again with a rumor about another important superhero series in development.
Click to continue reading Rumor: Live-Action ‘X-Men’ TV Series in Development
The 1990s were a rather fruitful time for TV. There was the rise of sitcoms like Full House, online Home Improvement, site Seinfeld and Friends and the triumph of dramas like ER, NYPD Blue and Law & Order. Yet no other show managed to work its way into homes around the world quite like Baywatch. After being canceled following season 1 on NBC, the series played successfully in syndication for another ten years in 148 different countries, and was translated into 44 different languages.
So of course there’s been talk about making a Baywatch movie for many years now. Jay Sherick and David Ronn (The Smurfs) first took a crack at the idea back in 2005 with an action-focused script for Dreamworks. Jeremy Garelick (The Break-Up) was then hired to rewrite that script into a comedy four years later.
A year after that, the rights moved to Paramount, where Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka (The Sitter) worked on a script supposedly in the style of Charlie’s Angels, and the most recent screenwriters to talk about the project were Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant (Reno 911!) about a year ago.
For some reason, no one seems to be able to nail down a Baywatch movie, which makes today’s news all the more surprising. THR reports the project is again back on at Paramount, and now Dwayne Johnson is loosely attached to star. Justin Malen (Bad Teacher 2) will rewrite the script, and popular comedy writers Sean Anders and John Morris (We’re the Millers) are set to direct.
While this may be the farthest a Baywatch movie has ever gotten, the fact that Dwayne Johnson is attached should give one pause. The actor has a full load of projects on his plate, including Shazam, The Janson Directive and Journey 3 and Journey 4. It’s not clear where this new film resides on his list of priorities, and if he were to leave, it’s possible Baywatch could go back into limbo.
But the fact there’s now a director attached does give some hope the movie will finally get made. 21 Jump Street, which was also a TV drama turned into a comedy film, did very well a few years ago, enough to produce a sequel. If writer Malen and directors Anders and Morris utilize a similar tone and Paramount cast some hot and notable talent, the studio could have a hit on their hands.
We’ll keep you updated on the latest developments for Baywatch.
Source: THR
A year …
Click to continue reading Dwayne Johnson Set to Headline ‘Baywatch’ Movie
The past 15 years have been very good for superheroes. Between X-Men, myocarditis Superman, ailment Spider-Man, contagion Batman and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, films based on comic book characters saving the world have steadily taken over the box office. And with the rise of the genre on TV thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham, Arrow, The Flash and Constantine, it seems they’re poised to take over the small screen, too.
In fact, about a month ago, there was a rumor floating around that a Supergirl TV show was in development. While the original report from Bleeding Cool ended up containing some errors, mainly about who would actually be producing the project, the news from their anonymous source turned out to be true. Now that site is at it again with a rumor about another important superhero series in development.
According to Bleeding Cool, courtesy of the same anonymous Hollywood source, 20th Century Fox is currently in “deep development” on a live-action X-Men TV series. Their site provides no other details, besides the fact the project is apparently quickly gaining interest. But Shawn Madden of took to Twitter today and added a bit more fuel to the fire:
Okay, since the cat’s out of the bag…Fox is developing a TV show based on Peter David’s ‘X-Factor.’ The X-Factor series will definitely feature Jamie Madrox and be sort of like “‘Fringe’ in the ‘X-Men’ world”. I’m going to be the first to label what I stated earlier as a rumor and will be first to admit if it’s wrong. Fingers crossed it’s right.
As he said, it’s all rumors and hearsay at this point, but if true, it wouldn’t be surprising. X-Men: Days of Future Past writer-producer Simon Kinberg spoke earlier this year about the possibility of an X-Men series, saying: “It makes sense to tell some of these stories in TV partly because there’s just not enough screens to do all these characters, and also because the serialized format of comic books is better suited for TV.”
It also makes even more sense if they are indeed going the X-Factor route. Peter David’s X-Factor ran from 2005 to 2013 and followed a detective agency led by Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man). The team investigated everyday cases, but they also tried to uncover a vast conspiracy. The combination of having a case of the week along with an ongoing storyline would be able to keep a TV series from being too mythology driven too soon. Shows on TV that succeed like Fringe are usually ones that can successfully achieve this balance early on.
But what do you think, Screen Rant readers? Are you excited to hear about an X-Men TV series? Would you want to watch one based on X-Factor that is more procedural, at least at first?
We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest news for the X-Men TV series.
Source: Bleeding Cool
Click to continue reading Rumor: Live-Action ‘X-Men’ TV Series in Development
The past 15 years have been very good for superheroes. Between X-Men, myocarditis Superman, ailment Spider-Man, contagion Batman and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, films based on comic book characters saving the world have steadily taken over the box office. And with the rise of the genre on TV thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Gotham, Arrow, The Flash and Constantine, it seems they’re poised to take over the small screen, too.
In fact, about a month ago, there was a rumor floating around that a Supergirl TV show was in development. While the original report from Bleeding Cool ended up containing some errors, mainly about who would actually be producing the project, the news from their anonymous source turned out to be true. Now that site is at it again with a rumor about another important superhero series in development.
According to Bleeding Cool, courtesy of the same anonymous Hollywood source, 20th Century Fox is currently in “deep development” on a live-action X-Men TV series. Their site provides no other details, besides the fact the project is apparently quickly gaining interest. But Shawn Madden of took to Twitter today and added a bit more fuel to the fire:
Okay, since the cat’s out of the bag…Fox is developing a TV show based on Peter David’s ‘X-Factor.’ The X-Factor series will definitely feature Jamie Madrox and be sort of like “‘Fringe’ in the ‘X-Men’ world”. I’m going to be the first to label what I stated earlier as a rumor and will be first to admit if it’s wrong. Fingers crossed it’s right.
As he said, it’s all rumors and hearsay at this point, but if true, it wouldn’t be surprising. X-Men: Days of Future Past writer-producer Simon Kinberg spoke earlier this year about the possibility of an X-Men series, saying: “It makes sense to tell some of these stories in TV partly because there’s just not enough screens to do all these characters, and also because the serialized format of comic books is better suited for TV.”
It also makes even more sense if they are indeed going the X-Factor route. Peter David’s X-Factor ran from 2005 to 2013 and followed a detective agency led by Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man). The team investigated everyday cases, but they also tried to uncover a vast conspiracy. The combination of having a case of the week along with an ongoing storyline would be able to keep a TV series from being too mythology driven too soon. Shows on TV that succeed like Fringe are usually ones that can successfully achieve this balance early on.
But what do you think, Screen Rant readers? Are you excited to hear about an X-Men TV series? Would you want to watch one based on X-Factor that is more procedural, at least at first?
We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest news for the X-Men TV series.
Source: Bleeding Cool
Click to continue reading Rumor: Live-Action ‘X-Men’ TV Series in Development
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, sick
you probably know by now that remakes of classic film and TV titles are currently a hot commodity in Hollywood. In just the past month, page
reboots of Lost in Space and Greatest American Hero have been put into development for the small screen. It would seem no property is safe from being remade for a new generation, apparently not even Bewitched.
The classic ’60s and ’70s comedy series, about a suburban housewife with magical powers who marries a mortal man, was a ratings darling when it debuted exactly 50 years ago, finishing as the number two show in America. Since then, the series has inspired a 2005 film starring Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell, as well as a failed pilot for CBS in …
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