There’s no other show better prepared for a Halloween episode, than one that already focuses on witches and magic. But that’s not why this week’s episode of The Secret Circle is kind of my favorite so far.
No, that’s because we’re finally getting into some serious mythology. In “Masked”, Faye decides there’s been too much doom and gloom lately and convinces Cassie to throw a party, only to have some witch hunters use it to target the Circle.
Faye: It’s times like this I pity the normals. They would never be this cool.
Fans have read about it in the books, and now, for the first time, we’re getting to watch it all unfold onscreen: Cassie is one bad-ass witch with a dark family history. There’s been random mentions about her father John Blackwell in a couple episodes, but it looks like Cassie may be finding out a lot more about him very soon, thanks to some papers she receives from fellow witch, now deceased, Wilson.
There’s also a lot of magic going down this week as Jake prepares to kill each member of the circle by mixing mandrake root with blood and a token item from each member. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t go according to plan when Cassie’s inner witchy-self preservation takes hold and lights witch-hunter Luke on fire. Yowza.
Of course, everyone is automatically suspicious of Jake, who’s then found outside and pretends to have been a target. Then, why didn’t they take you with the others, Jake? For a witch-hunter and witch, he’s not very inconspicuous.
Meanwhile, my love for Diana and Adam was in full force this week. How sweet was Adam while trying to get her back? (I teared again: “You are my home, Diana.”) Even though I want them to get back together, I’m glad Diana didn’t give in. If she’s not feeling it, then she shouldn’t be in a relationship with him.
The show still hasn’t found its full potential, but it’s the characters and relationships that keep me watching. (Yeah, and the mythology.)
Next week:
Not all witches are created equal, and Cassie is about to live up to her father’s name.