Last week’s episode of Ringer ended with a big ol’ cliffhanger of death, and this week’s episode ended with a little ol’ answer of who was responsible. The question I have though is: Was it the answer you expected? Because, personally, I so called it!
Still, “The Poor Kids Do It Everyday” wasn’t exactly the episode I expected to see this week. I’m not sure exactly what I expected, but I’m pretty sure an hour of ‘Oh, she’s missing!’ and “Let’s give Juliet a life!” wasn’t in my cards.
This episode starts where the last one left off with Henry finding a lot of blood at his house and the logical thing he surmises to do is get rid of the evidence. Now, for those among you who thought Henry totally killed Gemma last week, no, he just thinks that maybe ‘Siobhan’ did. He’s cleaning it all up for her. Aaw, true love!
Turns out eight months ago Siobhan jokingly told Henry they should get rid of not only Gemma but also Andrew. Jokingly, ok? Yeah, right. Siobhan’s giggle may have convinced Henry (“God, I’m joking. You’re gullible. It’s a good thing you’re so adorable.”), but it did little to assuage my fears. If it wasn’t obvious already, I now think Siobhan is a bit of a psycho. And we thought Bridget had issues.
Henry doesn’t get out of this week’s episode blame free either. The fact he cleaned up a known crime scene, even if it was for love and because he thought ‘Siobhan’ killed Gemma to keep their secret, destroys him a little bit for me. So, where does that leave me and the show? I’m going to find it hard to feel anything or care for either Siobhan or Henry from now on. And that makes me sad.
Meanwhile, Juliet starts at a new school because we need another side character sucking up story time now that Gemma is gone. She’s having trouble adjusting at her new public school. (“Here, now you and your family can eat for a whole month.”) Who knew being rich means people will pick on you? While it’s nice to see Veronica Mars‘ Jason Dohring again (as Juliet’s new teacher), I can’t help but wonder where this whole storyline is going.
Knowing how cheese the show has been so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if they takes his relationship with Juliet down the usual teacher-student avenue, but if we’re going to have to suffer through it, I at least hope they give it a little bit of a twist. Mostly, I just hope this storyline ends up coming back around to the main plot in some way. I can dream, right?
Bridget’s also being pulled in multiple directions. There’s the little matter of Juliet leaving behind her drugs for Bridget to take care of, and it almost looks like the drugs are going to take care of Bridget instead. I understand that Bridget is a former drug addict, so frustration, temptation, and getting a new sponsor, now that Malcolm is MIA, goes along with that, but it just feels like the storyline is merely a distraction from what we really want to see.
My favorite part of the episode though is when her new sponsor Charlie calls and asks, “Can I trust you not to dig through the garbage for drugs?” Knowing that we just watched her dig through the trash for Henry’s bloodstained cleanup rags and broken lamp pieces. Which is all for a good cause because Bridget then uses the lamp to purposefully leave her fingerprints behind for the police to find. Why? We don’t know yet, but I hope she has a good reason because she just invited a lot more drama into her life.
And it’s about to arrive in the form of Agent Machado. Machado this week has been checking into the missing NA sponsor Malcom because at least someone should. While he doesn’t find anything, darn he just missed that crack spoon on the floor, he does manage to tick off Bodaway. That Indian has the creepiest smile I’ve ever seen.
Then, how does the show close us out until November 1st? Siobhan receives a phone call in Paris that “The Gemma problem has been taken care of.” While I had guessed Siobhan had something to do with Gemma’s death, I’m still not exactly sure why she decided to off her supposed best friend. Did Siobhan have Gemma killed because she found out about Bridget? Or was Siobhan trying to protect Henry in some way? Besides, I’m not completely convinced that Gemma is dead either.
Notes and Quotes:
There are moments when Sarah Michelle Gellar does things that remind me of Buffy, and it just makes me wish we were watching our old favorite even more.
I’m finding it hard to believe Bridget is old enough to be the step-mother of a sixteen year old, and Dohring is old enough to be a teacher. Has that much time really passed?
Next time:
Malcolm finally gets an episode and someone to care about him! This better be good.