In the series premiere of Once Upon a Time, we were introduced to a fairytale land that was about to be turned upside down by the Evil Queen’s curse. But many viewers felt the show was too lighthearted to later deal with its potentially dark subject matter.
Hopefully after “The Thing You Love Most” some of those criticisms can be put to rest. Because as we see in this episode, where we learn what motivates the Evil Queen, in order to reap the benefits of an evil curse, you must be able to do an evil deed in return.
Regina: Did I know that my son comes to my office, every Thursday at precisely 5:00 PM, so I can take him to dinner before his therapy session? Of course I did. I’m his mother. Your move.
Emma: You have no soul. How the hell did you get like this?
There were a few moments in the premiere when I cringed a little at the dialogue and sweetness of the characters in fairytale land. I think there needs to be a distinction between what’s acceptable in a live-action versus an animated fairytale. You can’t get away with the same things in both formats. Thankfully, this week we were able to witness how the other half lives, and it’s definitely not as pretty.
Much like how Lost focused on a single character each week, the Evil Queen’s story took control of this episode and clued us into why and how she put a curse on everyone. Not only did this give us an inside look as to what happened in fairytale land, and how it now affects their Storybrooke counterparts, but it allowed the Evil Queen to become a more well-rounded character.
Malificent: All power comes with a price. Enacting it will take a terrible toll. It will leave an emptiness inside you — a void you will never be able to fill.
A more well-rounded character with actual motivations goes a long way toward making the Evil Queen even scarier. After all, it really doesn’t get much darker than ripping out your own father’s heart to fuel your revenge and choosing to turn your back on love. (But who knew the old guy next to the Evil Queen was her father? Until that point, I’d thought he was her servant.)
The Evil Queen also received a character boost through the introduction of her only friend, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. (A friendship that appears to be entirely based on them sharing evil curses to use against their enemies.) One of the things I adore about this series is how it takes the stories we love and weaves them together to create this truly complex world. (Though I could have done without their fight scene, which bordered on cheesy.)
Emma: I’m starting to reevaluate my definition of crazy.
Again like in Lost, there were also a few hints this week to some of the show’s deeper mysteries. We still don’t know exactly what Snow White did to the Evil Queen to make her want to seek revenge, only that Snow took something or someone from her. Nor do we have confirmation on whether Regina even knows she’s the Evil Queen. (I think the writers are toying with us a little bit on this one.)
Then there’s the mysterious Mr. Gold. As Rumpelstiltskin, he made a deal with the Evil Queen for “comfort and a good life” in the new world as well as her promise to “do whatever I say, so long as I say…please”. And as Mr. Gold, he seems to be only one who remembers the fairytale land, perhaps because Rumpelstiltskin was the original owner of the curse, before he gave it to the Evil Queen.
His role in everything then becomes increasingly suspicious when we learn he found Henry for Regina to adopt. If Rumpelstiltskin knew Emma could break the curse, and Mr. Gold remembers being Rumpelstiltskin, then surely he had to know Emma could one day come looking for Henry. Why would Mr. Gold risk bringing Henry to Storybrooke? Could he have some plan we’re not aware of yet?
What does it mean that Regina named her adopted son Henry, after the father she murdered as the Evil Queen? It it simply a case of her fairytale memories seeping through into our world, or is Henry possibly her father reincarnated into this new form? It’s kind of interesting that one Henry started the curse and now another Henry has started the end of the curse.
Notes and Quotes:
I love how Emma quietly realizes Mary Margaret might be her mother because Henry believes Mary is Snow White. And the realization is further verified by the Swan family’s hereditary love of cinnamon.
Emma: The fact that you have now threatened me twice in the past twelve hours makes me want to stay more.
Regina: Since when were apples a threat?
Emma: She’s not a great people person. How did she get elected?
Rumplestiltskin: Great power requires great sacrifice.
The Evil Queen: Since when do I care about anyone else’s happiness but mine?
Next week:
The untold story of Snow White and Prince Charming is finally told. Plus, David Anders!