In crime solving, as with anything in life, sometimes things go smoothly, but more often than not they don’t go according to plan. That’s why you have to learn to accept the speed bumps and keep trying like Castle and the gang do with every case.
That lesson’s especially true this week in “Head Case” when there’s a murder with a lot of blood and a body they have to get back piece by piece. Meanwhile, Alexis must learn to pick herself up and move on after her plans for the future fall through.
Castle: Where do you start when you don’t know who the victim is?
This week old fashioned detective work meets high tech as the gang have to figure out how to solve a crime with a body that’s been cryogenically frozen before they can get to it. They can’t get the body out of cryogenics without a warrant, and they can’t get a warrant without establishing there was a murder by using the body. Quite a conundrum. I’m not sure we’ve ever had as crazy a case on Castle as this one.
The episode definitely ranked up there on the creepy meter, too, what with the large pool of blood in the alley and the bodies in the ominous looking cryogenics laboratory. (“Does anyone else have a sudden urge to run through the streets screaming, They’re here!”) It all turned amusing later on though as Castle and Beckett played a round of get back the stolen head and it landed in the dumpster. (“Talk about taking a header.”)
Beckett: That’s what the great love stories are about, beating the odds.
Castle: I hope they make it.
Beckett: Me, too.
In the end, we find out the murdered man was suffering from a brain tumor, hence the stolen head which could have been used as evidence, and his wife killed him so they could be unfrozen together in the future. Of course, it all ends with her committing suicide in jail and being taken away to be cryogenically frozen herself. Romantic or creepy? You be the judge. (We do get a nice Castle/Beckett moment out of it.)
Castle: Rejection isn’t failure, failure is giving up.
Alexis also found some frustration this week as she received her rejection letter from Stanford. For a kid used to always achieving and getting what she wants, it sets her back a lot more than we would have thought. The moment where she takes all her awards out in a box and wonders if she even won any of them was particularly sad.
It’s a good thing she has a dad as great as Castle to remind her that his books were rejected many times before he ever got published. See? Persistence is key.
Notes and Quotes:
Poor Ryan is really freaking out about his wedding, huh?
Ryan: Sorry, it’s just that word: pattern.
Ryan: Think they can put me under until the wedding?
I’m so amused by seeing Castle try Gates’ patience every week.
Gates: Thank you, Mr. Castle. I know how ballistics work.
Next week:
Ryan is in trouble when his weapon is used to commit a crime. Oops.