I can’t help but feel like I’m the lone holdout to an episode that many are saying is finally The Secret Circle‘s chance to shine. I agree that it took the next step for the show, and I’ve heard it’s comparable to Vampire Diaries’ “Lost Girls”, but I was underwhelmed because The CW made it no secret where it’s all going and what’s going to happen next.
In that respect, I was disappointed. Still, “Heather” was a great change and shows they’re willing to go to that next level.
Faye: Why can’t it be fun, like that movie The Craft. I mean the first half. Not the stuff with the snakes. The part where we put spells on boys, change our hair color, and levitate.
I can’t help but feel like all the previous episodes have led up to this one. Cassie joined the Circle, forcing them to have to bind its power. Now powerless, the circle encountered Zachary who told them about Heather. This week, Cassie investigates Heather and finds something none of them could have ever expected. Diana said they weren’t prepared for magic, but she didn’t even know the half of it.
In Heather Barnes, Cassie and Adam find a woman still haunted by that fateful day sixteen years ago. Still in a catatonic state after all these years, there’s something weird about the sigil on her arm. Did Cassie’s mom cast a spell on Heather? And was it for good or for evil?
Cassie doesn’t know, but she’s going to break it, anyway. Big mistake.
What results is a ride of epic proportions. After Faye goes back to Cassie’s place with her to look through the Book of Shadows, Cassie’s now showed it to Adam, Diana, and Faye, they’re both sitting ducks in an empty house. Then, Heather arrives. She’s baaack. And possessed.
Cassie and Faye did the spell, effectively removing the hold on the demon inside Heather. While the whole sequence inside the house was not as scary as anticipated, the first time Heather jumped up from the first floor to the second floor did, in fact, freak me out.
Cassie: What was I thinking, taking all this on without knowing anything?
The moral of this story? See above.
Diana warned her, and Cassie didn’t listen. As a result, Heather is now dead, evil wormy things are crawling over Melissa and Nick while they sleep, and an ominous voice in the preview is telling Cassie, “His blood is on your hands.” Judging by the absence and replacement of a certain character from all new promotional materials, is it any wonder who that voice means?
Notes and Quotes:
I’m starting to wonder if there’s a connection between when they’re playing the TSC tune and what’s happening on screen.
One has to wonder, why was all the evil magic only in Diana’s book? Very telling? I can’t wait to see what the rest of the books contain.
Faye: What’s the point of being a damn witch if I can’t do any magic by myself. I might as well become a cheerleader.
Faye: Your mother must have been one mean ass witch.
Cassie: I guess we’re all in the same boat.
Faye: Yep. A boat full of sad witches.
Faye: Will you bring back snacks? No carbs.
Adam: Got a broom?
Cassie: Sure do, I’m a witch.
Adam: We need to know what happened 16 years ago. Our lives depend on it.
Next week:
Melissa goes demon! Who’s going to pay the price?