If you watched the preview for this week’s Ringer and caught that split second shot of Gemma slapping Bridget, then you probably spent the entire episode on pills and needles like I did. Well, it happened, and it wasn’t pretty. But first, let’s talk about how all the drama even got to that point.
For most people birthdays are a happy time, which means for estranged twins Siobhan and Bridget, they’re undoubtedly laced with pain. “It’s Gonna Kill Me, But I’ll Do It” was very much about the love and hate relationship between the two sisters.
Bridget: Who wants to be in the city when you can be on the beach?
It all starts with Bridget having a nightmare where Andrew finds out she’s not Siobhan and her dead sister comes back to haunt her. Basically, the two major problems in her life: guilt and remorse. (Did anyone believe that opening was real?) I feel so bad for her because meanwhile Siobhan is living it up, well planning fraud, back in Paris. It’s a good thing that one of Bridget’s two looming problems was (maybe) resolved by episode’s end.
From there Andrew suggests they get out to the Hamptons to get some air, and Bridget is only too happy to oblige. Guess which other couple is then invited to come along? There is nothing more awesomely soap opera than two couples, with two of the people having an affair with each other, staying under one roof. It’s like a train wreck waiting to happen. (Henry: “You’re finally letting us drink? Sweet relief.”)
Gemma: I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel bad! Why don’t you sleep with my husband and see if that makes you feel better?!
So you know it was bound to happen sooner or later, Gemma overhears Henry talking to Bridget (as Siobhan) about their affair and claiming the baby as his. I’m surprised Gemma was able to hold it together afterward as she walked down the hall with them and even sat down for birthday cake. She’s a much better person than I. Thus, her explosion and slapping Bridget was truly spectacular. (It’s too bad it wasn’t Siobhan.)
If you thought that was the secret to be revealed this week, then you don’t want to miss the next part: Bridget defends herself by telling Gemma she’s not Siobhan. Woah. The story could go many different ways from here, and they all sound awesome. Will Gemma believe her and become a confidante? Will she now become an enemy and try to tell Andrew or even Machado? (Personally, I’d prefer if Gemma doesn’t mess up Bridget and Andrew, but maybe that’s just me.)
Siobhan: I’m not picky. I’ll take presents from anyone.
Compared to Bridget’s upheaval, Siobhan’s life was pretty boring this week. She manages to get back into Tyler’s good graces, which we learn is all for the purpose of swindling money from him. She then steals a folder amusingly labeled ‘Account Transfers’ from his briefcase. (No one said this show is good.)
I was more captivated by all the flashbacks about the two sisters. Bridget and Siobhan were really cute girls, and them passing a necklace back and forth every year on their birthdays is very sweet. (Where did things go so wrong?) Siobhan was an ass though that one year where Bridget showed up with a cupcake to make peace, and she then threw their necklace on the floor. I’m also excited we got to see Siobhan and Henry in happier times. (Anyone else like them together?)
Notes and Quotes:
I love how Andrew just dismisses every strange thing that Bridget does while pretending to be Siobhan.
Of course Bridget would burn everything from the duffel bag in the fire and leave the one piece of evidence, the letter, that will probably end up being important.
Does anyone else think Machado is quite creepy the way he comes in and out of places so stealthily?
Malcolm was noticeably missing this week after his brush with drugs. I can’t decide if I miss him or not.
Siobhan’s plunging neckline dress was very distracting and unbelievable to be working out in the daytime, even in Paris.
Next week:
Gemma threatens to tell everyone about Bridget pretending to be Siobhan. For some reason, I don’t believe she actually tells Andrew like the preview implies.