By the end of the premiere of Homeland last week, it was not only clear that Nicholas Brody could be the terrorist Carrie expected to find, but also that Carrie Mathison wasn’t exactly the investigator we should be expected to trust.
So far this series doesn’t seem to be setting itself up to be a who’s who of good vs bad. Instead, it’s a nuanced look at two characters with very sketchy pasts, and it’s those pasts that will end up defining them in this week’s “Grace” and as the season goes on.
At first glance, Nicholas Brody and Carrie Mathison don’t appear to have that much in common, but if you look below the surface, you’ll find two people waging a mental war with themselves and the rest of society.
Brody is a man on the edge after having been a POW for eight years. During the day he suffers from panic attacks where he hides in the bathroom, and at night his nightmares have him violently grabbing his wife’s arm. Likewise, Carrie isn’t the most sound person either. She gets bipolar medicine from her sister, so she doesn’t have to report her illness to a doctor and the CIA doesn’t find out.
They’re also both hiding very interesting secrets from everyone else. Last week we watched as Carrie illegally wire tapped Brody’s house, thus risking her boss and friends’ careers. This week she pushes her friend Lynn, a harem girl for a Saudi Prince, to get intel on Abu Nazir. She tells the girl backup will be watching over her. Yeah, right. Meanwhile, Brody visits a hardware store and hides something in his garage. What’s his secret? He’s praying to Allah using his new prayer rug.
As the episode ends, and the praying seems to have eased Brody’s mind, he steps outside his house to speak with a throng of reporters. Has Brody final accepted his place as a terrorist, or has he simply decided to put the past behind him? What does his conversion to Islam mean? Can we be sure of anything?
Next week:
Claire’s new friend is in trouble, and just as we thought, the only backup is Carrie.