New ABC series Revenge really doesn’t miss a beat. The show continues to not disappoint for its second week in a row. Frankly, I think it’s because the show’s able to combine such a delicious amount of mystery, romance, friendship, and, oh yeah, revenge into each hour.
This week Emily Thorne tackles the idea of “Trust”. Who can you trust? How much can you trust them? How can that trust then be used for good? And, more importantly for her, how can it be used for bad?
Emily: It’s hard to know who to trust when it comes to money.
We’re now at 12 weeks before the engagement party and the supposed murder on the beach. This episode Emily decides to take down wealthy hedge funds manager Bill Harmon, a man she previously considered to be like an uncle to her. Emily’s father trusted Bill with his secret about dating Victoria, but Bill later ended up testifying against her father in court. (And may have also been the one to tell Conrad about the affair.) You know what this means?
For a wealthy investor, you’d think Bill Harmon would be smarter and less trusting. I find it so amusing that he would invest everything, billions of dollars, on one indirect tip from a woman he just met. He sees Emily talking to Nolan and automatically thinks she has the inside scoop. I guess no one can resist an innocent looking young blonde and her tricks, especially someone as arrogant as him. (Though how many times can Emily do this before someone begins connecting things back to her?)
Just as her father trusted him, he trusted her. Revenged!
Nolan: What I want is someone to hang out with this summer, like Gilligan and Skipper. But this little buddy can get you on some killer guests lists.
I previously wasn’t sure about Nolan’s allegiances, but I’m starting to think that the girl Emily used to be is lucky to have a friend like him. What is Nolan planning by buying Jack’s boat and consequently befriending him? To the outside observer, it would appear Nolan’s trying to get closer to Jack, so he can then get Jack closer to Emily, for Amanda Clarke.
It’s already working, too, since Nolan managed to help not only Emily but also Amanda this week. He buys the beach house from right under Victoria’s nose, thus keeping Emily around the Hamptons so she can continue getting her revenge. He also convinces Ashley to help him plan a surprise birthday party for Emily. And even manages to get Jack and Sammy to surreptitiously attend. All in a week’s work!
Emily: My father always said our past defines who we are.
Victoria: I’d say it’s our choices.
Emily: Maybe for the lucky. But sometimes in life we’re not given a choice.
Which brings us to the Grayson family, and Victoria in particular. Emily Thorne is one tricky blonde vixen. Until now she’s been holding all the cards, but not anymore once Queen Victoria hires someone to investigate the mysterious girl next door who’s trying to woo her son. The investigator’s not able to find much until a roster for the New York Landmark Preservation Society lists both Emily Thorne and Michael Davis, Lydia Davis’ ex-husband. He suggests Emily may have been the one having the affair with Michael Davis. (I so called this last week!) He also finds out Emily’s records from the ages of 16-18 are sealed. What is that about?
Victoria and Emily’s verbal sparring this episode is also top notch. (“I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed this.”) The subtlety and innuendo in their words and smiles are great. (I also love how Emily and Nolan talk so serious while they smile through their teeth.) But I’m starting to feel bad for Daniel, who’s quickly falling in love with Emily. Will he soon pay the ultimate price for his mother’s indiscretions?
It’s kind of the same way Declan paid for Charlotte indiscretions, too. Why would you go after a girl who’s still connected with her boyfriend? Just because they’re taking a break doesn’t mean much. Also, I don’t understand how Declan can be so oblivious to what’s going on with the family business. I guess he’s still too young to be involved. Unfortunately for him, his father having a heart attack (and dieing?) is going to be his wake up call.
Emily: Trust is a difficult thing, whether it’s finding the right people to trust, or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting your heart is the riskiest thing of all. In the end, the only person we can truly trust is ourselves.
That was a beautiful coda at the end, with a special thanks to the song “Avenue” by Agnes Obel.
Oh, Emily. You can trust some people. Your father just trusted the wrong people… Can you say trust issues?
Emily’s father helped fund Nolan’s Nolecorp when no one else would. Aaw. I’m glad it’s explained why Nolan is so protective of Emily.
And Lydia made a reappearance to ask Conrad for money since she’s now ruined. I wonder where they’ll be going with this.
Next week:
The closer Emily gets to them, the closer they get to her. Especially, now that Emily’s on permanent creepy Victoria-watch.
I stumbled upon your blog while looking for Emily Thorne quotes from this episode.
Also I enjoyed your writing, I’ll read your entries when I watch the other Revenge episodes :)
Greetings from México.
Very nice! I’m glad you’re enjoying Revenge, and I hope you stop by again soon!