No matter how well you may think you know someone, you can never really be sure what’s going on in their head. And that’s even more true on The Lying Game where lies are expected and everyone has a secret they’re trying to keep.
So what happens in “Never Have I Ever” when Emma tries to keep her surprise guest a secret from Thayer and Ethan, and the teens decide to play an innocent little game of truth with alcohol? Nothing good, I’m sure.
Thayer: You must love do everything alone.
Emma: No. No I hate it.
As if the twins didn’t already have enough to deal with, last week’s episode ended with Sutton being placed in a detention center and Emma’s creepy foster brother showing up in Phoenix to wreak havoc. With Sutton’s life on a little bit of a hold while in incarceration, the focus this week is mostly on Emma and how she can keep creepy Travis from revealing her true identity.
Giving into his blackmail is how. Travis may be a creeper, but he’s definitely not stupid. (Whose idea was it to give him lines like “I just want a little piece of the action”? Brilliant.) He knows Emma’s in the land of the rich, and he stands to profit from it. But not before giving her a seedy kiss to seal their deal which Ethan secretly witnesses.
Sutton: I want us to be together now while we still can.
Ethan and Emma. I’ve grown to love them over the season, so I wasn’t too happy that Emma chose to not confide in him about Travis. The two of them seriously needed this week’s escapades to kick their butts back into relationship gear. (I was surprised though that Thayer was the one who provided that push when he txted Ethan to come to the party.)
And Ethan was awesome with laying on the guilt during their game of ‘Never Have I Ever’ by asking who’s kissed someone in 24 hrs. I loved Sutton’s coverup by kissing him before taking a drink. Plus, who didn’t love Ethan coming to Emma’s rescue and beating the crap out of Travis at the end? (He’s definitely that “bad boy-white knight” type we all like so much.)
Justin: Don’t you remember what curiosity did to the cat?
I’m really surprised Laurel and Justin actually slept together last week. Like Sutton, I completely bought into the lies she told their parents. (Oh and sidenote, Emma and Ethan didn’t drink from their glasses during the question of going all the way with someone you love.)
I just hope this doesn’t all blow up in Laurel’s face because there’s definitely something suspicious going on with Justin. Why did he steal a page from the Mercer photo album? Did the bracelet he gave Laurel come from Annie? Could he be related to Annie in someway?
Speaking of Annie, I can’t believe Alec is still lying to her and saying Emma died and Sutton is a schizophrenic. Does this guy have any shame? (Well, he did try and bribe Thayer with staying away from Sutton so…) But why is he doing this? Where did Annie go after escaping from the mental institution?
I was also amused by Ted and Kristen who ran into the doctor who called her Annie and talked them partying in Santa Barbara. Kristen is now suspicious, and you’re secret is coming out, Ted! You can’t hide for much longer!
What’s up next for Sutton now that Alec anonymously bailed her out of the detention center, and she’s off with Emma’s BFF?
This show just keeps getting better and the mysteries more surprising every week. It may not be as exciting as Pretty Little Liars, but it definitely feels better plotted than its sister show.
Notes and Quotes:
Sutton: I have seasonal allergies and this is a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria. A pillow protector only costs… I have no idea, but I bet it’s not a lot.
Laurel: You say that like I’ve turned into some hideous beast.
Travis: Combination of white trash and social poser.
Emma: All of a sudden we’re in a Coen Brothers movie.