With the third episode of Nikita, the show has finally hit its stride for the season. The two sides of the game are now established (Amanda’s Division vs Nikita), and all the pieces (Alex, Birkhoff, and Michael) have solidified their places on the board.
So in “Knightfall” it’s time to raise the stakes. Nikita and Alex both have pasts they regret, and this week that’s coming back to haunt them. Will they be able to pull the trigger and put them to rest, or will they lose themselves in the process?
Ramon: You can’t save him. You’ll die.
Nikita: I’m dead without him.
There was a lot to love about this week’s episode of Nikita. From Michael going on a solo mission as a CNN producer with Clark Kent glasses to complete his suit and tie ensemble (“Where does he come up with this stuff?” “I did my research.”), to him sucking up to Nikita afterward for having to kiss their suspect (“You know when I kissed her, I was totally picturing you.”), Michael and Nikita as a team were their usual adorable perfection.
Then the other show had to drop. They soon learn that a man Nikita captured many years ago is now an assassin for Division. Yet, Ramon turns out to just be Division’s fallback guy, the one taking the credit but not doing the dirty work. That honor goes to Alex this week when Amanda gives her Kochenko, one of the men who killed Alex’s family, to take out as Division’s next target. Alex just has to wait until Ramon is able to take the credit.
Therein lies the problem because Michael and Nikita are hot on his trail. Ramon may be in a wheelchair thanks to Percy, but I loved how he was still able to hold his own against Nikita and escape. What follows next is a gripping emotional sequence as Michael is left behind in the house, locks himself into the safe room, and Amanda bombs the place when Nikita refuses to kill Ramon.
Nikita thinks he’s dead. (We know he isn’t.) Still, her grief is so thick you can feel it. Her relief afterward as they embrace amongst the rubble so joyous. And our surprise when Alex pulls the trigger on Kochenko, even though Amanda tells her to stand, is a cliffhanger.
Notes and Quotes:
Michael: Well, if there’s anything that Percy knows how to do, it’s how to buy a man’s soul. He owned mine for ten years.
Michael: No, I’m not talking about…
Birkhoff: ..and I understand that we’re all together in my place shacked up like the bizarro three’s company, but you cannot keep putting me in the middle of your relationship stuff. You know, it’s not fair to me.It’s not my job.
Michael: Would you just shut up?
Percy: Ramon will live on. He just won’t be able to walk. On the bright side, all of our facilities are handicap accessible.
Amanda: Do we have anything? Someone give me a status report.
Michael: Yeah, you missed. How’s that?
Next week:
Nikita’s old Division partner is out of jail and probably not too happy to see her.