For a few days now I’ve been hearing there would be a big cliffhanger on Ringer, one even bigger than last week. So I found myself wondering, what could possibly be bigger than Bridget revealing her past to someone? …Oh, yeah, well, that.
The ending to “A Whole New Kind of Bitch” is not just a cliffhanger but a complete game-changer, their words not mine, for the show and could take it to new and exciting places. That is if what we’re led to believe is actually true.
Gemma: I want you to sleep with my husband, or I’ll tell everyone who you really are.
Gemma’s been to hell and back: First she believed her husband Henry, the love of her life, was having an affair. Then, she found out it was with her best friend Siobhan, the one person she trusted over everyone else, who’s also pregnant with Henry’s child. And now she learns, thanks to a scar Bridget doesn’t share, that Siobhan’s actually been her twin Bridget for the last two weeks? It’s enough to make any sane person go mad. So, I completely understand Gemma’s desperation to get back at the man who broke her heart.
Yet while I understand her motives, I don’t sympathize with her methods. Forcing Bridget to sleep with Henry in order to catch him in the act would have destroyed everyone’s lives, not just Henry’s. (Of course, this may also have something to do with me not wanting her problems to break up Bridget and Andrew. I kind of love them.)
Juliet: She’s a whole new kind of bitch!
There’s one thing Gemma and I do agree on though: Bridget may be helping Andrew and Juliet more than Siobhan ever did since stepping into their lives, but she’s lying if she believes the whole thing didn’t start for entirely selfish reasons. At no time did Bridget, like Gemma, ever consider what her actions would do to everyone around her. It was always about this being her only choice. There was always another choice. She just decided not to choose it.
Lord knows, after all the run-ins with Andrew’s hellion spawn Juliet, I would have already been out the door. So Bridget that going for her since she’s been nothing but overly helpful and calm about it all. (Well, there was that point where she considered going back to her druggie ways, but we won’t talk about it.)
Bridget: I’ve already fallen down a hole that I have barely crawled out of. I won’t do it again.
So the question everyone is asking: Did Bridget actually go through with Gemma’s request to sleep with Henry? No. And further more, she told Henry about it, who promptly told Gemma that Bridget told him, and the rest, as they say, is history. What’s the rest? Oh nothing, just Gemma calling Andrew in a panic, and then Henry murdering his wife.
Sorry Bridget, you win some, you lose some.
Next week:
Henry killed Gemma, and it was originally Siobhan’s idea? I have a sneaky suspicion something completely different went down tonight, but if the show does indeed go through with this storyline, I’ll no longer have any sympathy for either Siobhan or Henry. That makes me sad.