If there’s one thing Elena’s never been, it’s a weakling. In The Vampire Diaries, she’s gone up against vampires and werewolves, refused compulsion even when it could help her forget bad memories, and been willing to sacrifice herself for her friends time and again.
So while there’s a lot to like about “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, from seeing more of Rebekah to the return of quite a few ghosts, it’s actually Elena’s new vocation that has me most excited: Bad-Ass Monster Fighter. Yes, Elena’s channeling her inner Buffy and Warrior Princess this week. I couldn’t be more proud.
Elena: You think that I’m crazy to believe that I can protect myself from a vampire who’s flipped the switch on his humanity.
Alaric: I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning and that makes you the strongest person I know. I think you can do pretty much anything.
Has it really only been a year since Elena bumped into Stefan on that fateful day at school? To say a lot has changed since then would be an understatement. So many people have died or been turned into a vampire, werewolf, witch, ghost, or some combination thereof, and the stakes just keep getting higher every week. It’s a wonder Elena hasn’t run away screaming and is still able to get up at 5:15 in the morning for a training session with Alaric.
Ah Alaric, how much do I love you? I’d love you even more if you were to renew your epic bromance with Damon. Still, I understand the two are currently on the outs, and the town is actually better off with Alaric focusing on trying to keep everyone safe, starting with Elena. She may not be physically strong enough yet to wield the secret weapon he gave her, but I love that he acknowledges her inner strength.
Bonnie: Why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghosts of his dead ex-girlfriends hinder this experience?
Caroline: Yes. And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day?
Alaric’s not the only one keeping things in perspective, and Elena’s not the only one with guy problems. Bonnie and Caroline each have their own share of issues to deal with in regards to their current boyfriends. They talk about it somewhat sarcastically, but I find it a little tragic how all of their lives are so entrenched in paranormal activities these days. Bonnie was right last episode: “You don’t want to be part of all this, Matt. You’re the only one of us who actually gets to live their life like a normal person. No matter how lost you feel, don’t forget that.”
Matt: But you’ll still be a ghost, Vic.
Vicki: In a town full of vampires, werewolves, and witches. I’ll fit right in.
Unfortunately, it may be too late for Matt because as a result of drowning himself last week, he’s now able to see his sister whenever he thinks about her. This isn’t a good thing as we soon find out. I always thought Vicki was selfish in life, so it doesn’t surprise me she’s willing to sacrifice Elena’s life, to appease the witches, in order to stay in our world. I’m surprised Matt fell for her tricks though, but I’ll forgive him this time since he’s still new to the whole monster craziness.
Stefan (to Rebekah): I’m sorry. Your tone implies that I’m actually supposed to care.
Then, there’s the other brother and sister team that’s not working out so well either, Klaus and Rebekah. Klaus stabbed her decades ago when she wouldn’t leave Stefan, and now he’s left Rebekah behind in Mystic Falls at the first sign of Mikael. What a great brother. So what does she do? Move herself into one of the rooms at the Salvatore house, of course. I love it. Later, Rebekah’s also single white femaling Caroline by joining the cheerleading squad and moving in on Tyler.
Damon: He’s been sired.
Caroline: So how do I fix him?
Damon: Get a new boyfriend.
Getting Tyler to do what Rebekah wants should be easy now that he’s been sired by her brother Klaus. Sired being just a nifty way of saying, compulsed by making someone a vampire. It was pretty obvious something strange was going on with Tyler, so I’m just surprised how long it took everyone to catch on. Now how long will it take Caroline or anyone to notice Rebekah is getting Tyler to feed off human blood?
In contrast to Tyler and Caroline’s legitimate troubles, Bonnie and Jeremy’s drama seems petty by comparison. I can’t believe Bonnie went off on Jeremy for still being able to see Anna. Oh well, I’ve liked Jeremy with Bonnie while it lasted, but I’d love to see him permanently with Anna, anyway. I say bring it on now that ghosts like Vicki, or Mason Lockwood who kick Damon’s ass this week, are becoming very real. I hope Anna is next.
Elena: I know who you really are better than anyone, Stefan. I am not giving up.
Stefan: Do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?
Elena: No, that makes me strong.
Another couple I’m holding out for is Stefan and Elena. I know right now he’s a d-bag with a capital D, but you couldn’t miss that look in his eyes when he caught her after she fell off the bleachers. I’ve been wondering if the writers would try making him fall in love with her again, and it’s starting to look like I might be right. But it’ll have to happen after Elena gets done asserting her strength and independence by stabbing him in the stomach with Alaric’s new weapon.
Meanwhile, her doppelganger Katherine is busy trying to get Mikael to rise from his tomb. I love that he’s a vampire hunter who’s a vampire and also feeds off vampires. He sucks Katherine dry to get his strength back, but I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ve seen of her. Katherine is too much of a badass to be killed in such a throwaway scene.
Notes and Quotes:
Elena: What are you doing?
Damon: Helping you out.
Elena: Damon!
Damon: Come on, Buffy!
Damon: What’s your plan, oh Warrior Princess?
Elena: You think i’m going to let a blood addict tell me how to drink?
Tyler: Everything i like about me is you.
Matt: This is wrong. You shouldn’t be here.