Captain Montgomery’s dead! Beckett’s been shot! And Castle finally declares his love to her! That’s only some of what went down in the season finale of Castle last May. And consequently, also where they left us crying in a corner all, summer, long.
But now we’re back, and it’s finally time to see how everything will be resolved in “Rise”. First though, a confession from me. This week was actually my first time watching the show in real time after finally catching up with it in July. I’m excited to finally be able to tune into this fun light-hearted mystery show with everyone! Well, maybe next week after all the drama is gone…
Victoria “Iron” Gates: It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let a cop investigate their own shooting.
Of course, no one thought for even a second this was going to be the end of Beckett, but that doesn’t mean the opening teaser wasn’t nerve-wracking. Between all the yelling over what happened to Beckett and all the blood during surgery, it was definitely an anxious few minutes. It did a good job upping the tension and preparing us for Beckett telling Castle she doesn’t remember anything that happened. Not the shooting, nor his confession. Nothing. Poor, Castle.
Three months then go by, and Beckett finally returns to work. A lot has changed in that time. Montgomery’s been replaced, obviously, and Castle’s no longer working at the police station. Beckett hasn’t even spoken to Castle in those three months! All these changes are enough to give me whiplash and heart palpitations. I need things to get back to normal quick. Thankfully, Beckett goes out to get Castle to return to the team, and after rightfully being mad at her, together they help solve the mystery of the week.
Beckett: How am I supposed to get my bearings when someone out there wants me dead?
Castle: By not letting them rob you of your life.
Seeing as she doesn’t want to see her dad back in danger, it’s understandable that Alexis isn’t too happy about Beckett taking over her dad’s life again. Especially since Beckett doesn’t want to let her mother’s death and her shooting go, and she’s definitely going through some post traumatic stress. I’m glad Castle finally convinced her to move on until at least they have some evidence.
I wish we could say the same about Castle though, since who’s now secretly investigating the case on his own. Then we discover the biggest shocker of all, Beckett lied and does remember everything that happened. These two secrets they’re keeping from each other are going to haunt them for the rest of the season. While I’m sad they’ve swept Castle’s declaration of love under the rug for the time being (and Beckett doesn’t want to date until she finds her mother’s killer?), I can’t wait to see where this season will go.
How cute were Ryan and Esposito together as a team?
This new by-the-book Captain Victoria “Iron” Gates is going to make things very difficult for our team. I love her already.
Next week:
Comics and men split in half. Hm…