Last week’s Thundercats was quite an emotional episode that ended with the surprising return of Panthro. So, of course, it was going to be hard for this week to top it.
“Old Friends” takes the heat off Lion-O and finding the Book of Omens to focus on someone else. Make way for Panthro. He’s older, wiser, and not so sure he want to take orders from a teenager. Looks like Lion-O’s going to need to prove himself again this week.
Thundercats (s01e05): Old Friends
One thing’s for sure, Panthro is bad-ass. He single highhandedly took out the lizards last week, and this week he’s in charge to get Thundrillium for the ThunerTank. Only thing, I can’t wait to see his dynamic within the group since this episode’s mostly flashback.
Panthro may have thought Grune was his friend, but surely everyone could see he was bad news from the beginning. With lines like “what can’t be earned can always be taken” and those crazy eyes of his, it was only a matter of time. I’m also surprised that Grune would settle for being Mumm-Ra’s second-in-command.
The rest of the Thundercats followed Lion-O somewhat quickly, so it was nice to see Panthro unwillingly to do so. He did seem to be impressed with Lion-O’s fighting skills with the Sword of Omens. So was I, Panthro. So was I. The action scenes were really good this week, but I miss how Lion-O called the Thundercats in the original series. But I’m glad Panthro accepted Lion-O as king in the end because I’m ready for some group action.