Review: You wouldn’t know a threat if it sat in your lap and made you a gin and tonic.

Season two of Pretty Little Liars has so far been a little on the slow side. Too much talking and external storylines, and not enough ‘A’ shenanigans and crime-solving. But with these last few episodes, I feel like we’re finally ramping up to an exciting midseason finale. Which is why, I think this week’s “Touched […]

Read More.. Review: You wouldn’t know a threat if it sat in your lap and made you a gin and tonic.

Review: I told you, we ask the questions. Respect the badge.

We started Alphas this season with a bunch of mythology episodes, but lately we’ve been getting more into the characters each week. The characters are the most important of this show, so I’m actually glad to see they’re getting their due. “Bill and Gary’s Excellent Adventure” has Bill and Gary, obviously, pursuing a case together. Bill’s […]

Read More.. Review: I told you, we ask the questions. Respect the badge.

Review: ‘A’ is taking us down, one at a time.

A’ really isn’t getting any nicer. First, she ran over Hanna with a car last season. And this season’s she been stepping up her ‘A’-game each week and targeting the girls one by one. It’s no longer about making their lives miserable, but making them a living hell. Which one of the Pretty Little Liars […]

Read More.. Review: ‘A’ is taking us down, one at a time.