Review: Many of us think that when divine intervention happens, it’s something big.

Extra, Extra

The X-Files (s5ep17): All Souls – ****

[+] Mulder: “I know people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones blah blah blah, but that guy is paranoid!”

[+] Mulder: “What are you asking for Father? Mercy or forgiveness. You know, they say when you talk to God it’s prayer, but when God talks to you it’s… schizophrenia. What is your God telling you, Father?”
Father Gregory: “I pray for the girls souls.”
Mulder: “Oh you pray for their souls now. That’s convenient.”
Father Gregory: “I’m immune to your mockery. You’re not interested in the truth.”
Mulder: “I am only interested in the truth. I would like to know why you did what you did to three defenceless, helpless young girls. What in your sick mind would possess you to burn their eyes out? Did they see you for who you are… like I do?

[+] Chaplain: “You believed you were releasing her soul to Heaven?”
Scully: “I felt sure of it.”
Chaplain: “But you still can’t reconcile this belief with the physical fact of her death?”
Scully: “No. I thought I could Father, but I can’t.”
Chaplain: “Do you believe there’s a life after this one?”
Scully: “Yes.”
Chaplain: “Are you sure? Has it occurred to you that this too is part of what you were meant to understand?”
Scully: “You mean accepting my loss?”
Chaplain: “Can you accept it?”
Scully: “Maybe that’s what faith is.”

The X-Files (s5ep18): The Pine Bluff Variant – ****

[+] Mulder: “I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch! I’m going to kill you! (to HALEY) If I set you up you think I’d even get into the car with this Nazi piece of shi…! I risked everything! If I was lying there’d be Federal Agents descending on this place like the wrath of God right now! If you touch me again, you’d better kill me!”

[+] Mulder: “That money’s as dirty as you are, isn’t it…? Isn’t it?”
US Attorney Leamus: “Say that were true. Then what do you hope to accomplish, Agent Mulder, as a whistleblower? To mobilise a civil rights action? To bring down the Federal Government? To do the very work that that group you were a part of is so bent on doing? What do you want? Laws against those men or laws protecting them?”
Mulder: “I want people to know the truth.”
US Attorney Leamus: “Well sometimes our job is to protect those people from knowing it.”


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